So former Republican GOP Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert does not want to be publicly shamed, eh?
The GOP just trying to sweep yet another Republican grooming minors for sex under Trump's rug, eh?
Oh Grand Ol' Party, aren't you just the dandiest.
In case you have forgotten, because apparently the media and most people who follow these things appear to have, then-Congressmen Mark Foley got caught 80s movieing teenagers in the 2000s (Go watch Dirty Dancing again and figure out their ages. Yes, by law, baby needs to be put in the corner.)
From text messages to playful antics, grown GOP men (yes, there were more involved) helped young adolescents discover their sexuality on Capital Hill, the way God intended for Republicans.
Built log cabins in their hearts they did. Except minors were involved is all.
Any way, Foley took Speaker of the House Hastert down with him. But on top of all that, Hassert had made Foley the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, which introduced legislation targeting sexual predators and created stricter guidelines for tracking them.
Just wanted to remind everyone of that episode of the Republican Party and how Hastert brought down the GOP majority on how he handled the scandal.
In fact, Hastert had to protect so many people in the GOP he went down with the ship and the next speaker's name was Pelosi.
Go look it.
May it happen again soon.
But down the memory hole you do not go Dennis Hastert, not without one last proper public shaming.
Shame, shame on you, may your name be stricken from the obelisks and your history lost to time.
Shame, shame upon you, now be forgotten. No legacy for you.